Saturday, September 8, 2012

love & marriage

Went to a pretty wedding today - a dear friend's first-born married her sweetheart.

I sat there listening to the pastor, listening like he was speaking to me.  The words he said rang true.. He spoke about standing by your partner when everyone else has gone, about getting through the hard times, about enjoying the good times, and about the ups and downs of living your life with one person, now and forever.

As I watched her dancing with all of her little flower girls and ring bearers (she had 5 of each!) I couldn't help but feel so lucky to be married to my best friend, and to hope for her the same thing.  I wish I could go to a wedding like every month! - it's good to hear the vows and promises again and again.  It makes you remember the vows you spoke, how special your relationship is, and to always, always put your marriage first.

I don't know about you, but I feel pretty lucky.  Happy marriage to you!

Love, Kelli


  1. such a great post my friend
    so glad you're happy in love!!!
    looking forward to another big day, just a few more weeks away!

  2. Awwww - very sweet. And you and Ken are a sweet couple too !


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